The Many Kinds of Forklift Trucks

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The Many Kinds of Forklift Trucks

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Just driving past a construction site can give you an idea of its many hazards.  There is a reason that it makes sense to block off roads near a construction site.  Cranes, dump trucks, and cherry pickers are fascinating to preschoolers, but if you ever set foot on a construction site, the potential for construction accidents becomes obvious.  Every piece of construction equipment has its own regulations for safe use, and workers must be certified to operate the particular kinds of construction site machines they operate.  Even forklifts are not just one type of machine.  There are actually seven distinct types of forklift truck, each with its own specific purpose, its own dangers, and its own rules for safe use.

The Seven Kinds of Forklifts

Some forklift trucks are huge vehicles suitable for working on big building complexes, while others are the right size for navigating the aisles of a warehouse floor.  Unless you have ever worked on a construction site, though, you might not be aware of all the different kinds of forklifts.

  • Electric Motor Rider Trucks – These versatile forklift trucks can be used at outdoor loading docks or in indoor warehouses. When used outdoors, they use pneumatic tires, but the indoor version has cushion tires.
  • Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks – These forklifts are like the indoor version of electric motor rider trucks, except that their narrower shape makes them appropriate for warehouses with narrow aisles.
  • Hand-Rider Trucks – The driver steers this kind of truck through controls at the top of the truck. In order to make them compact enough to fit through narrow spaces in warehouses, these forklifts are battery operated.
  • Internal Combustion Engine Trucks with Cushion Tires – These are less compact than other types of forklifts, and they are appropriate for heavy duty loads. They can handle containers up to 40 feet wide.  Internal combustion engines are made for various types of fuel, including diesel, gasoline, and natural gas.  Because of their cushion tires, they are suitable for use on the smooth floors of warehouses.
  • Internal Combustion Engine Trucks with Pneumatic Tires – These forklift trucks are similar to the other internal combustion trucks except that, because of their pneumatic tires, they can be used on rough, outdoor surfaces, including at outdoor loading docks.
  • Tractors – These vehicles are shaped like a farm tractor, except that they also have a forklift attached to the front. Some of them have internal combustion engines, while others run on electricity.
  • Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks – These forklift trucks have large flotation tires, which make them suitable for very rough terrain, such as sites where they must transport lumber or scrap metal.

Contact Walton Telken About Construction Accidents

There are enough types of forklift trucks that project managers can choose the safest type of forklift for the particular construction site.  Still, every kind of heavy machinery has its own risks.  If you have been injured in an accident involving a forklift truck or other piece of construction equipment, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.  Contact Walton Telken, LLC for a consultation.

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