Necrotizing Enterocolitis Lawsuit Lawyers

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Necrotizing Enterocolitis Lawsuit Lawyers

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Has your child developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after using baby formula? Our lawyers for baby formula lawsuit compensation can help you claim a monetary payment for your child. You may deserve financial compensation.

At Walton Telken, Injury Attorneys, we are necrotizing enterocolitis lawsuit lawyers. Our personal injury law firm helps families when their infants suffer harm. Let us put our combined 135 years of legal experience to work for you to be a voice for your child, and help you receive the compensation that you deserve. Contact us today.

Baby Formula Lawsuit Compensation

What Is the Baby Formula Lawsuit?

Is there a lawsuit against baby formula?

Yes, lawsuits against baby formula have already begun. Families are claiming compensation and legal accountability on behalf of their children who have suffered from using the formula. The claims demand compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering and a range of other damages.

One claim in Madison County, Illinois, claims that a boy had to have a portion of his intestines removed after using the formula. Another baby formula lawsuit brought on behalf of a child who lost his life is in the U.S. Eastern District of California. Wherever your child used the product or suffered harm, you may be eligible to bring your case.

(Sources: Jupiter v. Mead Johnson & Co., Abbott Laboratories, 3rd. Cir. Madison Cty. IL, 2021-L-000560; Restad v. Abbott Laboratories, U.S. Eastern District of California, 2021)

Can I bring a baby formula lawsuit?

Yes, you may qualify to bring a baby formula lawsuit. If your child developed necrotizing enterocolitis after using baby formula, you may bring a claim for compensation. You may hold the manufacturers accountable for selling a product that caused harm to your child. You must take action to initiate a case and claim the compensation you and your family deserve.

*Our lawyers for necrotizing enterocolitis can represent you in bringing a baby formula lawsuit.

What is the NEC lawsuit?

The NEC lawsuit seeks compensation for parents and accountability for manufacturers based on injury and death infants have suffered after using baby formula. Medical studies verify higher incidents of necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants given formula made from cow’s milk. When NEC develops in very low birth weight infants, it is fatal in up to 50% of cases. The NEC lawsuit allows parents to assert their rights have their voices heard for the harm their children have suffered.

(Additional Sources: Frontiers in Pediatrics, National Library of Medicine

Legal Grounds for The Baby Formula Lawsuit

What legal grounds are asserted in the NEC baby formula lawsuit?

An NEC baby formula lawsuit may assert any of the following legal grounds:

  • Failure to warn of dangers
  • Negligence
  • Negligent misrepresentation
  • Breach of implied warranty
  • Wrongful death

Your lawyers for necrotizing enterocolitis claims can help you determine the appropriate causes of action to state in your claim.

What is the legal basis for the baby formula lawsuit?

If you used Similac or Enfamil formula for your child, you probably assumed that it was safe. It didn’t cross your mind that your child could become seriously ill. When your child started to show symptoms that something was wrong, you may not have been aware of how serious their condition was. That’s the legal basis of the baby formula lawsuit.

The baby formula lawsuit is based on a failure to warn parents of the dangers of using the formula. Parents should have received instructions on the dangers so that they could make an informed choice about whether to use the product. If they chose to use the formula, they should have been informed of symptoms to look for and the seriousness of the condition.

What compensation can I claim from a baby formula lawsuit?

You may be eligible to claim the following compensation through a baby formula lawsuit:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Intensive care
  • Nursing costs
  • Surgery and procedure expenses
  • Long-term medical care needs
  • The cost of long-term physical limitations and life changes
  • Pain and suffering
  • Final expenses

Can I bring a toxic baby formula lawsuit?

Yes, you can bring a toxic baby formula lawsuit if your child has been harmed by using infant formula. The legal standard is whether your child has suffered illness and needed medical treatment after using the formula. You must initiate a claim in the appropriate court to receive compensation.

What brands of NEC are a part of the NEC baby formula lawsuit?

Both Similac and Enfamil are part of the NEC baby formula lawsuit. The suits involve manufacturers Mead Johnson and Abbott.

About Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)

What is NEC caused by formula?

NEC caused by formula is a serious bowel and intestinal disease. It affects the intestines with bacteria invading the intestinal walls. Bacteria can then leak into the abdomen. NEC can be fatal.

Why do some infants develop NEC?

Doctors aren’t sure why some infants develop NEC, but it’s more common in premature babies. Their organs are less developed than full-term children, so they may be less able to digest formula. They also may not be as capable of fighting infection than they would be if born at full term. Premature babies who are given formula are at an increased risk to develop NEC.

What are NEC baby formula symptoms?

NEC baby formula symptoms may include:

  • Swollen tummy
  • Blood in stool
  • Signs of discomfort – crying, irritability
  • Feeding that stays in the stomach and doesn’t seem to digest
  • Labored breathing, low heart rate

How to Choose a Lawyer for Your Baby Formula Lawsuit

When choosing a lawyer for your baby formula lawsuit, experience is key. Personal injury claims involving children often rely on detailed medical evidence. A law firm with years of experience handling detailed injury claims, including claims involving children, can you help you present the case effectively.

Lawyers for Necrotizing Enterocolitis Lawsuits – Taking New Cases – Free Consultation

Our lawyers are taking new cases. We have the experience, skills and drive to get results for you. While a lawsuit can’t undo the unimaginable harm that has happened, it can honor your child and be their voice, hold manufacturers accountable and bring your family the financial relief that you deserve.

Call or message us today for a free consultation about your case.

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We’re a Midwest-based law firm, small by choice, with big impact. At Walton Telken, our mission is simple: achieve the best possible outcomes for each of our clients. Powered by our passion for victims’ rights and 150 years of combined legal experience, we work hard towards this goal every day—and we have the track record to prove it.

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We’re here to help recover maximum monetary damages to compensate you for your physical, financial and emotional losses. The personal injury lawyers at our firm understand your concerns and are committed to responding to your needs with strong advocacy and legal counsel. Contact our law firm today to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your personal injury or work-related injury claim at one of our office locations in Illinois or Missouri.

At Walton Telken, trial practice is core to our DNA. We’re unafraid to fight on your behalf aggressively to ensure you recover the monetary damages you deserve.

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209 E. Schwarz Street , Edwardsville IL 62025

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214 N Clay Ave Suite 140 , St. Louis MO 63122

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