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Awards & Recognition

We’re a Midwest-based law firm, small by choice, with big impact. At Walton Telken, our mission is simple: achieve the best possible outcomes for each of our clients. Powered by our passion for victims’ rights and 150 years of combined legal experience, we work hard towards this goal every day—and we have the track record to prove it.

Free Initial Consultations.
No Fee Unless We Win.

We’re here to help recover maximum monetary damages to compensate you for your physical, financial and emotional losses. The personal injury lawyers at our firm understand your concerns and are committed to responding to your needs with strong advocacy and legal counsel. Contact our law firm today to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your personal injury or work-related injury claim at one of our office locations in Illinois or Missouri.

At Walton Telken, trial practice is core to our DNA. We’re unafraid to fight on your behalf aggressively to ensure you recover the monetary damages you deserve.

100% Secure and Confidential

Our Locations

Edwardsville, IL

209 E. Schwarz Street , Edwardsville IL 62025

St. Louis, MO (By Appointment Only)

214 N Clay Ave Suite 140 , St. Louis MO 63122

Available 24/7

phone icon844-307-7349

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