What Happens During a Car Accident Investigation

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What Happens During a Car Accident Investigation

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Before you can discuss a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company, you need to prove that they were at fault for the accident. In some cases, the fault is only determined after a comprehensive investigation.

When you have suffered an injury in a car accident, you need to understand what happens afterward. The St. Louis car accident lawyers at Walton Telken Injury Attorneys can explain the legal process with crash investigations.

Notes on Police Car Accident Reports

Once the accident is reported, the police will show up at the scene of the crash. The officer may speak to witnesses and note their observations of what they saw on an accident report. They may detail the following:

  • The conditions at the time of the accident
  • Witnesses to the accident and their recollections
  • A diagram of the scene of the accident and the position of the cars
  • Statements from the drivers
  • Their own observations about what they saw
  • Their own conclusions about fault in the accident
  • Whether any citations were issued

The insurance companies may rely heavily on the police report when they are determining liability for the accident. However, you cannot use the police report in a car accident trial because it will be considered hearsay.

Your attorney will pursue physical evidence that can help prove who was to blame for the accident. Witness testimony is the most helpful thing for your case. Pictures from the scene of the accident and any video footage can also prove your claim.

How an Accident Reconstruction Expert May Help Your Claim

If there is no other evidence that can support your claim, your lawyer may work with an accident reconstruction expert to reach their own conclusion that can advance your case. The expert’s conclusion will not be determinative, but it can be persuasive when an insurance company or jury is determining liability.

An accident reconstruction expert will use laws of engineering and physics to reach their own opinion of what happened to cause the accident. Through the available evidence and photographs, they can come up with a supportable conclusion about which driver was at fault. Your lawyer may work with one of these experts when they do not have other compelling evidence. The insurance companies will consider the opinion of an expert, although they will certainly not be bound by it.

Contact a St. Louis Car Accident Attorney Today

One of your first calls after a car accident should be to an experienced lawyer, and the Walton Telken Injury Attorneys are here for you when you need us. We offer free consultations, and you can schedule one by calling us at 844-836-3535 or sending us a message online.

Car Accident Case FAQs

How do I win a car accident lawsuit?

You must show that the other driver did something that will be considered unreasonable under the circumstances.

How much is my car accident case worth?

Your settlement will depend on your own unique circumstances and on how you have been impacted.

Do I need a car accident lawyer?

While there is no legal requirement for an attorney, one will certainly help your case.

Awards & Recognition

We’re a Midwest-based law firm, small by choice, with big impact. At Walton Telken, our mission is simple: achieve the best possible outcomes for each of our clients. Powered by our passion for victims’ rights and 150 years of combined legal experience, we work hard towards this goal every day—and we have the track record to prove it.

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We’re here to help recover maximum monetary damages to compensate you for your physical, financial and emotional losses. The personal injury lawyers at our firm understand your concerns and are committed to responding to your needs with strong advocacy and legal counsel. Contact our law firm today to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your personal injury or work-related injury claim at one of our office locations in Illinois or Missouri.

At Walton Telken, trial practice is core to our DNA. We’re unafraid to fight on your behalf aggressively to ensure you recover the monetary damages you deserve.

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Edwardsville, IL

209 E. Schwarz Street , Edwardsville IL 62025

St. Louis, MO (By Appointment Only)

214 N Clay Ave Suite 140 , St. Louis MO 63122

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