Following the discovery of asbestos at Pillsbury Mills in Springfield, Illinois, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ordered the property owners to have the asbestos safely removed. However, the property owners never provided a full asbestos cleanup plan, leading to the EPA taking matters into its own hands.
The EPA has designed an asbestos cleanup plan for Pillsbury Mills, and in January, began carrying out the plan. After the EPA’s cleanup of the Pillsbury Mills site is completed, officials seem confident that the site will no longer pose an asbestos exposure or mesothelioma cancer risk to area residents. As such, the city of Springfield plans to redevelop the site for other uses following the cleanup.
What Should I Do If Asbestos Exposure Leads to Mesothelioma?
In many cases, people who are exposed to asbestos, especially over an extended time, develop asbestos-related diseases, such as asbestosis and a deadly and incurable form of cancer known as mesothelioma.
It can often take years or even decades for the symptoms of mesothelioma to surface, which can make it difficult to hold those at fault responsible, because the residential property or job site where victims were exposed to asbestos has shut its doors. However, many times, an experienced Edwardsville personal injury attorney can guide victims and their families through the legal process of bringing those responsible for their pain and suffering to justice, including recovering financial assistance for hospital bills, lost income and funeral expenses.
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