Paragard IUD Lawsuit

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Paragard IUD Lawsuit

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Have you or a loved one experienced breakage when your Paragard IUD was removed? If so, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer of Paragard to recover monetary compensation for such things as medical expenses, lost wages, and other recoverable damages.

What is A Paragard IUD Device?

The Paragard IUD was designed as a form of contraceptive that is implanted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.  This is a long term but a reversible type of contraception. Paragard is the only hormones free IUD.

Paragard was originally made by Teva Pharmaceuticals before The Cooper Companies purchased Teva in 2017.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the device in 1984 and it was sent to market about four years later. Paragard was originally made by Teva Pharmaceuticals before The Cooper Companies purchased Teva in 2017.

The copper assists in preventing sperm from reaching your egg.  This device also reduces the risk of implantation by changing the lining of your uterus.

How does Paragard break?

During the removal of the IUD, the “arm” of the T-shaped device can snap off. There have been reports of an “arm” breaking off before removal, as well. The broken fragment can get lost inside the body requiring ultrasounds, scans, and exploratory surgery before the fragment is located.

Sometimes the fragment can be expelled from the body on its own several days or weeks later. However, some women have not been as lucky and the fragment gets lost in the body.

Who Can File A Paragard IUD Lawsuit?

There are several factors that must be considered to ascertain if you are eligible to file a Paragard IUD lawsuit. The questions that will need to be answered include:

  1. Did the Paragard IUD break at the time of removal or sooner?
  2. Did you undergo an ultrasound and scans to locate any broken fragments of the Paragard IUD?
  3. Is the broken Paragard fragment inside your body?
  4. Did you have to have surgery to remove the broken fragments?

What Are The Risks of Using A Paragard IUD?

While the use of Paragard IUD’s has been linked to serious complications and injuries, the most common side effects include:

  1. Longer and heavier than normal menstrual periods
  2. Spotting or bleeding between periods
  3. Back pain
  4. Stomach cramping or back pain
  5. 5. Severe pain during your menstrual cycle.

What Do the Paragard IUD Lawsuits Allege?

There have been many women who have filed lawsuits regarding the injuries they suffered as a result of using a Paragard IUD. Most of the lawsuits filed against Teva Pharmaceuticals include allegations that are similar in many respects.  They include:

  1. Teva was failed to warn women and medical professionals about the risks associated with using Paragard IUDs.
  2. The device was misrepresented as being safe, which left many women open to serious injuries.
  3. Paragard IUD’s have a defective design and are a dangerous medical device.

Why You Need An Attorney for Your Paragard IUD Case.

IUD cases can be complicated and complex. Our St. Louis, Missouri attorneys have the experience, knowledge, skill, and compassion to assist you in determining if you have a valid claim against the manufacturers of Paragard IUDs.

If you or a loved one has suffered a Paragard IUD breakage, our lawyers can evaluate your case and assist you in recovering monetary damages for all of the physical, financial, and emotional damages that you’ve been forced to endure.

What Monetary Compensation May Be Available Due to Your Paragard IUD?

Every case involving your Paragard IUD is unique, and what compensation you may be able to recover depends on your individual circumstances. Our lawyers will be able to discuss your lawsuit claim with you and advise you further.

There are a few economic and non-economic types of damages that may be available to you in your Paragard IUD case. They include:

  1. Lost Wages: Lost wages may include any profits or lost pay from missing work due to your injury, and the income you may have earned in the future had you not been injured by the Paragard IUD.
  2. Medical Bills: These medical expenses may include any hospital and doctor bills, the cost of your surgery, ultrasound or other medical tests, antibiotics, physical therapy, and any future medical expenses you may incur as a result of your injury.
  3. Pain and Suffering. In addition to the above, you may also be able to receive monetary compensation for your pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. as a result of you being injured by the Paragard IUD.


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